74 Projects
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#1 ePlanning and eApprovals – Scoping Study
Planning and building approval processes are still largely paper (PDF) based, which make them inefficient and time-consuming, imposing significant costs on both industry and government. Industry is effectively unable to test plan compliance against planning controls and building regulations, track progress of their applications, and efficiently track compliance through construction. The long-term objective of the […]
ePlanning and eApprovals, Planning, Uses and Zoning · Lendlease Digital, uTecture Australia, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, A.G. Coombs, Salesforce.com, Inc., Master Builders Association Victoria, Victorian Building Authority, Monash University, The University of Melbourne
#2 Automated tracking of construction materials for improved supply chain logistics and provenance – Phase 1 Scoping Study
The construction supply chain poses challenges and risks mainly due to its unstable, highly fragmented, and geographically dispersed nature. The ability to track and trace (i.e., traceability), is becoming increasingly important as it contributes to and associates with building compliances, safety, project efficiency, and sustainability. Our researchers have used multiple research methods (e.g., interviews, literature […]
Supply Chain Management, Logistics · BlueScope, Holmesglen Institute, Lendlease Digital, Monash University, Queensland University of Technology, Salesforce.com, Inc., Sumitomo Forestry Australia, Master Builders Association Victoria, The University of Melbourne, Victorian Building Authority, Ynomia
#3 Projects to Platforms: Investigating New Forms of Collaboration – Scoping Study
Construction practice is rooted in project-based thinking as organisations use temporary teams to create one-off products in response to unique and changeable site conditions. As a result, product platforms have begun to emerge in construction. However, the introduction of broader, platform-based business models promises fundamental and holistic change to traditional construction. Such business models leverage […]
Business Model Innovation, Platforms and Process · A.G. Coombs, BlueScope, Hyne & Son, Lendlease Digital, Monash University, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, The University of Melbourne
#4 Computational Design and Optimisation Tools for Prefabricated Building Systems – Phase 1 Scoping Study
The objective of this project was to develop a computational framework for producing optimised design options for modular facade and floor systems, which are both structurally and thermally efficient, early in the conceptual design phase. Given the multi-objective criteria (both structural and energy), several designs were presented to the client in a format that allows […]
Computational Design · M-Modular, The University of Melbourne, Queensland University of Technology
#5 Automatic compliance and energy rating system
This project transformed the current manual process of energy compliance checks for new residential homes by integrating existing rapid digital building software with Australia’s building regulation and performance assessment requirements. This project developed a comprehensive workflow to take Utecture’s existing home design and costing engine and propose subsequent compliance and NatHERS energy rating assessment procedures […]
Environmentally Sustainable Design, Digital Twins & 3D Modelling, Energy · uTecture Australia, Green Building Council of Australia, The University of Melbourne, Monash University, Queensland University of Technology
#6 Field Data Collation to support real-time operational management
Accurate and timely information about construction processes is essential to provide greater visibility and understanding of project progress and therefore deliver the projects on time and on budget. This project has made significant advances in the knowledge and practice of acquiring and managing real-time operation data. More specific objectives include:1) understanding how passive data collection […]
IoT, Sensors and Construction Tech, Digital Project Management · Lendlease Digital, Ynomia, Standards Australia, Monash University, The University of Melbourne, Queensland University of Technology
#8 Prefab, Integrated Wall Systems – Scoping Study
This project seeked to design a high-performance wall system exceeding the performance of a 7-star dwelling, with window systems that can be manufactured in two weeks and wall systems that can assembled on-site (lockup stage) in four weeks, and can be manufactured, delivered and installed in a cost-effective manner. The initial phase consisted of a […]
Sustainable Materials & Products · Bentley Homes, Ultimate Windows, The University of Melbourne, Monash University
#9 Implementing DfMA and Lean in Construction: Best Practice Guidelines through a Study of Building Services and Structure
This 6-month research project aimed to understand: the current state of Lean and Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DFMA) knowledge within construction; their degree of implementation in both the local construction industry and abroad; and the implementation challenges that need to be addressed if we are to see broader uptake. To address these points, the […]
Building Design and DFMA, Construction Management, Platforms and Process · A.G. Coombs, Lendlease Digital, Monash University, The University of Melbourne
#10 Product Platform for Volumetric Building (Scoping Study)
Product platforms seek to standardise products, processes, company knowledge, and supply chain to drive efficiency, unlock design variability, and enable continual improvement in response to market conditions. This project sought to define a framework and roadmap for the future development of a product platform specific to the context and the needs of our industry partner: […]
Platforms and Process, Building Design and DFMA, Supply Chain Management, Logistics · Fleetwood Australia, Monash University
#11 Environmental Credentials for Building Technology Platforms
There is a growing need for environmental credentials to support B2B and B2C communication in the building industry. Solutions based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology are the most comprehensive, covering all the stages of the building’s lifecycle – from extraction of raw materials to their end-of-life stages. Despite the potential efficiencies of loosely-coupled […]
Environmentally Sustainable Design, Sustainable Materials & Products, Life Cycle Assessment, Energy · uTecture Australia, Coresteel Buildings, Monash University
#12 VR/AR technologies in vocational education and training (scoping study)
Australia’s Vocational Education Training sector has a critical role in preparing or updating current or future employees with job-related skills required in the workforce. The construction industry is highly regulated by VET programs that provide licensing requirements to many construction occupations. The number of VET-related occupations is expected to increase in the coming years, driven […]
Construction Safety and Wellbeing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital Twins & 3D Modelling, Digital Project Management · Holmesglen Institute, Master Builders Association Victoria, Monash University
#15 Using the Whole Tree for Future Timber-Based Construction – Scoping Study
This project aims to optimise parts of the Australian sawn timber processing sector, so it can adapt to changes in market demand and material characteristics in ways that align with the future timber-based construction. The project is a review and scoping exercise to find ways of using the whole tree more effectively, while adding value […]
Sustainable Materials & Products, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Building Materials & Systems, Environmentally Sustainable Design, Waste Reduction · Hyne & Son, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, The University of Melbourne
#17 The implication of Industry 4.0 for the construction industry: towards smart prefab
The Australian construction industry has faced severe challenges over the past few years. Spiralling costs of building materials and construction have made housing less affordable. Productivity, sustainability, health and well-being, and safety imperatives together with the market-wide expectation for high-quality design have further challenged traditional construction. This project developed a roadmap for Smart Prefab and […]
Building Materials & Systems, Digital Project Management, IoT, Sensors and Construction Tech, User Interface, Visualisation and Analytics, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Digital and Automated Fabrication (Robotics), Platforms and Process, Policy and Regulation, Digital Twins & 3D Modelling, Business Model Innovation, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Prefabrication & Advanced Manufacturing · Monash University, The University of Melbourne, Queensland University of Technology, AMGC Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre
#18 Long-span Low-Carbon Floor Systems (Scoping Study)
CRC#18 addresses the lack of data-informed product evaluation methods in construction, through the benchmarking of nine long-span, low carbon floor systems. The key outcomes of the research point towards a logic and workflow that could be applied to any productised building element, involving: Researchers on the project included: Ivana Kuzmanovska: Mizan Ahmed, Mehrdad Arashpour,Victor Bunster, […]
Building Design and DFMA, Fire Safety, Building Materials & Systems, Sustainable Materials & Products · Lendlease Digital, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, Monash University, The University of Melbourne
#19 Hybrid Timber‐Steel Structural Systems for Mid to High Rise Buildings – Phase 1 Scoping Study
Mid-to-high-rise buildings in Australia are mainly constructed using reinforced concrete structures and have large carbon footprints. Advanced manufacturing of engineered timber products, such as CLT and Glulam, as well as cold formed steel/high strength steel, with high strength-to-weight ratio, have paved the way for construction of those buildings, using hybrid timber-steel structural systems with a […]
Sustainable Materials & Products · BlueScope, Hyne & Son, Monash University, The University of Melbourne, Queensland University of Technology
#20 Systems and methods for robustness of mid-rise light gauge steel (LGS) buildings – Phase 1 Scoping Study
Unlike hot-rolled steel buildings, where the robustness requirement can be easily met with the use of bolted or welded joining methods with high tensile resistance for connecting structural members, the connections in LGS buildings are made in the form of screws and rivets with low tensile resistance, and thus they are usually vulnerable to progressive […]
Building Materials & Systems, Structural Optimisation · BlueScope, The University of Melbourne, Monash University
#21 Regulatory Reform for Industrialised Building
The construction industry is moving towards more industrialised practices, including offsite manufacturing of building components. However, current regulatory practices are not well suited to accommodate these industrialised practices. This project aims to build on previous work and propose reform to recognise industrialised building practices. It seeks to address two main questions: how to improve current […]
Policy and Regulation, Change Management, Construction Management · Victorian Building Authority, A.G. Coombs, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, Lendlease Digital, Master Builders Association Victoria, Fleetwood Australia, Standards Australia, Queensland University of Technology
#22 Generative design and BIM-based Design Automation methods for Steel Framed Buildings – Phase 1 Scoping Study
Light gauge steel (LGS) offers significant advantages over other materials including lightweight, quicker construction times, non-combustibility and resistance to rotting, shrinking, warping and termite attack. Today, it is not clearly understood which tools and inputs should be considered at the early planning phase in order for an LGS solution to be considered a viable structural […]
BlueScope, The University of Melbourne, Queensland University of Technology
#23 When prefab hits the ground: Barriers and opportunities in the Australian housing market
Traditional construction practices in Australia have been criticised for their focus on the reduction of upfront construction costs at the expense of quality, performance and flexibility. Current and emerging prefabrication processes could provide the efficiency and quality of construction to the traditional built-to-sell market, however by incorporating the possibilities to cater for the recently developing […]
Housing and Urban Design (Affordability), Sustainable Materials & Products · Fleetwood Australia, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, Monash University, Queensland University of Technology
#24 Next Generation of Robust and Fire-resilient Light Gauge Steel Systems for Mid-Rise Buildings (Umbrella Project)
This project will investigate the fire resistance behavior of light gauge steel (LGS) floor ceiling systems made of high strength lipped channel sections and truss configurations. It will use small-scale and full-scale fire tests and advanced numerical modelling. It will consider the commonly used sub-floor and ceiling materials, investigate the mechanical properties of floor and […]
Fire Safety, Building Materials & Systems, Structural Optimisation · BlueScope, Queensland University of Technology, The University of Melbourne, NASH National Association of Steel Framed Housing
#25 Operational Excellence framework of steel fabrication and processing in the OSM and prefabrication sector (Phase 1)
In the manufacturing of modules off-site, steel fabrication often comes with many challenges, including supply chain reliability and clarity, the need for efficient production at both the steel producer and the modular builder end, and the flexibility for customisation. This project looked for new methods of efficient production and new ways of collaborating in the […]
Sustainable Materials & Products, Business Model Innovation, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Platforms and Process · BlueScope, Fleetwood Australia, Monash University, The University of Melbourne, Ynomia
#26 New materials for windows of the future
Double-glazed windows are a norm in many countries across Europe, Asia and North America due to their effective reduction of heat loss (~30%) compared to single -glazed windows. However, in Australia, only 10% (approx.) of current window installations are double-glazed. This is in part owing to the temperate climate across many parts of Australia, but […]
Building Operation and Performance, Building Materials & Systems, Sustainable Materials & Products, Environmentally Sustainable Design · Ultimate Windows, Monash University
#27 Environmental Decision-Support for Structures
There is a growing demand for reliable methods to rapidly assess and compare the environmental impacts of alternative building solutions. Approaches based on the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology are most commonly recognised by industry and academia; however, producing accurate results under this framework requires highly specialised skills and research effort that prevents their ready […]
Environmentally Sustainable Design, Energy, Life Cycle Assessment, Sustainable Materials & Products · BlueScope, Monash University, The University of Melbourne
#28 Componentised Internal Wall Systems for Multi-residential Applications
Internal wall systems continue to rely on labour intensive and wasteful on-site processing despite advances in prefabrication and other aspects of multi-residential construction. Described performance requirements rely heavily on craftsmanship and supervision ‚when these fail, significant and costly legacy issues arise. Through a design-led, systems-thinking approach, this project explored componentised and connected internal wall alternatives, […]
Building Materials & Systems, Digital and Automated Fabrication (Robotics), Life Cycle Assessment · Lendlease Digital, Monash University, The University of Melbourne
#29 Real-time EH&S Intervention to Improve Site Safety (Scoping Study)
Human error is the largest contributor to onsite accidents in the construction industry, but can be reduced through improvements to workplace design and procedures. Through an examination of current practices, this project aims to identify existing relationships between variables such as worker behaviour and sentiment, site activities, and workplace incidents, from which we can uncover […]
Construction Safety and Wellbeing, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, IoT, Sensors and Construction Tech, Digital Twins & 3D Modelling, User Interface, Visualisation and Analytics · Monash University, Lendlease Digital, The University of Melbourne
#30 Critical Path IMPACT through Productisation
The critical path coordinates and supports construction planning and execution, and defines the prioritisation and interdependence of tasks. The resulting build program establishes a timeline, informed by the production modes, plans and management practices. New building production systems and planning arrangements have only partially resulted in achieving the construction phase productivity gains and performance improvements […]
Business Model Innovation, Building Design and DFMA · Lendlease Digital, Monash University, The University of Melbourne
#31 Demystifying Volumetric Construction: A Study of the Bathroom Pod
The potential benefits of volumetric construction include faster builds, improved quality, and reduction in waste. However, increased transportation costs, structural redundancy, and increased overheads can dilute these benefits, limiting their uptake. Within the Australian construction industry, the bathroom pod is one of the few volumetric assemblies that has become commonplace, and considered an acceptable method […]
Building Design and DFMA, Business Model Innovation, Construction Management, Platforms and Process, Supply Chain Management, Logistics · Lendlease Digital, Monash University, Queensland University of Technology, The University of Melbourne
#32 Acoustic flanking performance of mid-rise light gauge steel (LGS) structures
The project aims to develop a robust method for predicting the acoustic flanking performance of floor and wall systems in mid-rise LGS buildings. The resulting design recommendations will give the building community confidence about how to reliably design and construct LGS buildings. Researchers on this project include: Assoc Prof Amin Heidarpour, Prof. Tuan Ngo, Prof […]
Building Design and DFMA, Building Materials & Systems, Housing and Urban Design (Affordability), Sustainable Materials & Products, Construction Safety and Wellbeing, Building Operation and Performance, Computational Design · BlueScope, Monash University, The University of Melbourne, NASH National Association of Steel Framed Housing
#33 Evaluation of emerging technologies for remote inspections of building work
Remote building inspections are expected to reduce the time and travel needs required by traditional in-person inspections while maintaining (or enhancing) the integrity and rigor of the inspection process and outcome. However, the effectiveness and suitability of technologies for remote building inspections are not fully understood and rigorously evaluated. This project aims to: 1) review […]
Policy and Regulation, IoT, Sensors and Construction Tech, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning · Victorian Building Authority, Salesforce.com, Inc., Sumitomo Forestry Australia, The University of Melbourne, Monash University
#34 Acoustic flanking performance of mid‐rise Light Gauge Steel (LGS) structures – Phase 1 Scoping Study
Light Gauge Steel (LGS) structures have great advantages in terms of lower weight, easier to transport, minimum construction wastes and shorter construction time. Although the resistance of various light gauge systems, including floor and wall systems, under different loading cases has been widely recognised and tested, there is very limited information on the acoustic flanking […]
Sustainable Materials & Products, Building Operation and Performance · BlueScope, Monash University, The University of Melbourne
#35 Prefab Housing Solutions for Bushfire & Disaster Relief
This study investigated the potential for prefabrication and advanced manufacture to be an alternative to traditional construction in providing both short-term and long-term housing solutions for those affected by bushfires and other disasters. The research led to understanding the complexities and barriers to designing, manufacturing and installing prefabricated modular homes and units to bushfire impacted […]
Housing and Urban Design (Affordability), Fire Safety · Monash University, The University of Melbourne, Queensland University of Technology, AMGC Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre
#36 Academic validation of performance gap research in energy rating systems
The report Closing the performance gap in Australia’s commercial office sector (produced by Building 4.0 CRC and the Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA)) showed modelled energy performance of Green Star certified buildings is being achieved in operation, as demonstrated by NABERS energy ratings. The GBCA aims to further validate and extend this research through […]
Energy, Environmentally Sustainable Design · Green Building Council of Australia, Monash University
#37 Australian Timber Fibre Insulation Scoping Study
The Australian timber industry generates significant quantities of low-grade by-products, in the form of chips and sawdust, through the manufacturing of sawn and mass timber products. Most problematic among these are the H2 and H3 treated products that are not currently re-purposed into other products. In addition to this timber waste stream, there are large […]
Building Materials & Systems, Sustainable Materials & Products, Waste Reduction · Hyne & Son, The University of Melbourne, Ultimate Windows
#38 Victorian Government Digital Build – Translating theory into practice
This cross-sector collaboration aims to address the gap between theory and practice to facilitate greater uptake of digitally integrated building and offsite construction in Victoria. Three tranches of research will be used to build Victoria-specific evidence about digital building projects, practices and environments: 1) off-site and modular construction hubs2) benefits of digital build3) project applicability […]
Building Design and DFMA, Platforms and Process · A.G. Coombs, BlueScope, Fleetwood Australia, Coresteel Buildings, Donovan Group, Victoria State Government – Jobs, Precincts and Regions, Lendlease Digital, Monash University, Salesforce.com, Inc., Sumitomo Forestry Australia, Master Builders Association Victoria, The University of Melbourne, Ynomia
#40 Business Model Innovation: The Platform Ecosystem
Building 4.0 was commissioned by the AMGC in collaboration with prefabAUS to research, workshop and develop a report for the future of the building industry in Australia, with a primary focus on Business Model Innovation. Workshops were conducted in four Australian cities—Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Brisbane—with participation from all stakeholders in the building value chain, such […]
PrefabAUS, Monash University, The University of Melbourne, AMGC Advanced Manufacturing Growth Centre
#41 New Materials for Windows of the Future – Phase 2
Double-glazed windows are a norm in many countries across Europe, Asia and North America due to their effective reduction of heat loss (-30%) compared to single -glazed windows. However, in Australia, only 10% (approx.) of current window installations are double-glazed. This is in part owing to the temperate climate across many parts of Australia, but […]
Building Materials & Systems · The University of Melbourne, Ultimate Windows
#42 Workflow Automation Tools for Home Designs Phase 1 Scoping Study
Volume builders are facing several challenges associated with the manual design of domestic homes where computational design automation can yield advantages, including many variations between house designs, regular design changes according to client requirements, time, resources and turnaround for each tender (cost estimation, drawings, material estimation and so on). An integrated and automated process would […]
Computational Design · Bentley Homes, M-Modular, The University of Melbourne, Queensland University of Technology
#44 Generative Architectural Design Engine
Advancements in machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) models that produce graphics have dominated the discussion around computational creativity for the past 5 years. Generative neural networks, like DALLE-2 and Midjourney, can render remarkably detailed, intricate and convincing images, to the point where they can be perceived as ‘creative work’. This project aims to […]
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning · Lendlease Digital, Monash University
#45 Prefab, Integrated Wall System: Phase 2 – Demonstration House and Market Study
There currently exists significant logistical and material shortage challenges in the residential home construction market. This coupled with a highly competitive environment has translated into most builders focusing on price of delivery, assuming this is the most important aspect to consumers. Builders are also subject to increasing risk with greater supply chain, labour and material […]
Bentley Homes, The University of Melbourne, Ultimate Windows
#46 Data analytics for structural fibre resources optimisation
The ongoing digitalisation of manufacturing companies enables new potential for optimisation of their processes. With a growing number of sensors implemented in manufacturing systems such as modern large sawmills, a huge volume of data is generated. This data is an important resource to maintain competitiveness. This project used data analytics approaches to investigate relationships in […]
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, User Interface, Visualisation and Analytics, Waste Reduction · Hyne & Son, Queensland University of Technology
#47 – Austrade: Future Building Technologies and Solutions
The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade) commissioned Building 4.0 CRC to profile Australia’s emerging building and construction technology capabilities, ecosystems and research strengths. As part of this research, Building 4.0 CRC conducted a mixture of desktop research, surveys and recorded interviews with 16 industry and ecosystem organisations, 11 research organisations, and 43 building and construction technology companies over […]
#48 Scoping Study for Building the Future – Circular Economy – Shared Interest Project
With C&D materials accounting for 44% of all waste generated in Australia and the building sector’s energy consumption and CO2 emissions at a record high, the move to a circular economy presents a significant opportunity for positive change. Given the complex socio-political and economic factors at play, and the potentially competing needs of key stakeholders, […]
Circular Economy · A.G. Coombs, BlueScope, Fleetwood Australia, Donovan Group, Holmesglen Institute, Hyne & Son, Lendlease Digital, Monash University, Queensland University of Technology, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, Master Builders Association Victoria, The University of Melbourne, uTecture Australia, Victorian Building Authority, VIRIDI Group, Verton, Ynomia, Populous, Stockland
#49 Implications of Industry 4.0 technologies on work practices
New technologies in the building and construction industry will have a major impact on workplace processes, skills, infrastructure and working conditions. This project aims to understand the implications of emerging technologies on work practices, workforce training and working conditions in the building and construction industry. The project identifies the challenges and opportunities of emerging technologies, […]
Future of Work & Industrial Relations · Holmesglen Institute, Lendlease Digital, A.G. Coombs, Master Builders Association Victoria, Victorian Building Authority, The University of Melbourne
#50 Development of Artificial Neural Network and Automated Life Cycle Assessments for Cloud Based Residential Energy Estimations
This project will see the development of a next generation cloud based artificial neural network for new home operational energy efficiency and embodied carbon. It is intended that designers, builders and clients in both Australia and New Zealand will be able to utilise this engine to gain near real time feedback on the estimated energy […]
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Energy, Building Operation and Performance, Life Cycle Assessment · Monash University, The University of Melbourne, uTecture Australia
#53 Process Engineering, and Design and Estimating Automation of Fleetwood’s Product Platform
This project aims to improve Fleetwood’s business by digitising the physical components and assets of their product platform, and automating their design and estimating processes, procedures and workflows. Expected operational benefits for Fleetwood include more efficient material use and production time, competitive market bidding and ease of installation while also minimising cost. Project team: Dr […]
Computational Design, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Platforms and Process · Fleetwood Australia, Monash University, The University of Melbourne
#55 Towards smart contracts and smart finance in construction – Phase 1
Smart contracts and blockchain may be a technology that can provide certainty and clarity to the construction industry. Contracting and finance issues are an acute problem this industry, often creating delays and uncertainties that can lead to insolvency or other issues. This project explores case studies in the construction industry to determine the future […]
Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Finance and Economics, Contracts and Procurement, Policy and Regulation, Risk Management, User Interface, Visualisation and Analytics, IoT, Sensors and Construction Tech, Building Operation and Performance, ePlanning and eApprovals, Digital Project Management · Victorian Building Authority, Master Builders Association Victoria, Holmesglen Institute, PT Blink, Queensland University of Technology
#56 Accelerating B4.0CRC Translation and Impact
Building is one of the largest sectors of today’s global economy, representing 13% of GDP and employing 7% of the world’s working age population. So, it is essential that the building industry benefits from the latest research findings and new knowledge created through rigorous research initiatives. To enable industry to co-create and draw on Australian […]
Change Management · Cruxes Innovation, Victorian Building Authority, Master Builders Association Victoria, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, BlueScope, A.G. Coombs, The University of Melbourne
#57 Wind Comfort Simulation and New Engineering Design Process
For a typical engineering project, Engineering design (upstream) and operation downstream) commonly follow a linear process through multiple contracting parties. Such a process is inefficient and unsustainable for continuous improvement and IP retainment. To resolve such dilemmas in building wind comfort design, Lendlease Digital collaborates with Monash University to develop a new pathway by coupling […]
Computational Design · Lendlease Digital, Monash University
#59 Innovative Steel–Timber–Concrete Composite StrongFloor
This project aims to develop a novel structural flooring system covering mid- to long-spans that: The initial phases are an extension of existing experimental knowledge and the development of reliable numerical and analytical models. Later stages of the project will include optimising the floor components. Researchers on this project include: Prof Tuan Ngo, Dr. Philip […]
Sustainable Materials & Products, Life Cycle Assessment, Building Design and DFMA, Product & Process Efficiency, Structural Optimisation, Computational Design, Prefabrication & Advanced Manufacturing · VIRIDI Group, The University of Melbourne
#60 Mass Timber Wellness in Workplaces
Existing studies have indicated organisational and wellbeing benefits of mass timber buildings such as reduced illness, increased job performance and reduced stress and fatigue. In this study we aim to collect measured data, combining the data with surveys and interviews to create metrics to demonstrate workplace wellness and productivity in mass timber buildings. This study […]
Construction Safety and Wellbeing, Building Materials & Systems, Building Operation and Performance, Finance and Economics · Monash University, Queensland University of Technology, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, VIRIDI Group, The University of Melbourne
#61 Building Productivity – Product, Process, People
The common adage “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” can be applied to buildingproducts, processes and projects. Current data capture in construction practice is typically scarce,inaccurate, lagging and non-standardised. Through the lenses of product, process and people,Project #61 investigates how the capture, analysis and use of data can contribute to wastereduction, quality […]
Building Materials & Systems, Building Design and DFMA, Product & Process Efficiency, Construction Management, Contracts and Procurement, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Platforms and Process, Digital Project Management · Lendlease Digital, Monash University
#65 European Research Tour 2023: Berlin – Copenhagen – Malmö
Building 4.0 CRC led a delegation to Berlin, Copenhagen and Malmö, to provide delegates with firsthand experience of cutting edge technology and innovative building techniques. Delegates had the opportunity to engage with overseas teams from the Australian Government and embassy officials, learn from industry experts and researchers, exchange ideas and insights with peers and collaborate […]
Environmentally Sustainable Design, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Life Cycle Assessment, Sustainable Materials & Products, Business Model Innovation
#66 Future of construction education
This research will contribute to the body of knowledge on the future skills required for the building and construction industry and the role of technology and automation in meeting those skills demands. The research will provide valuable insights for higher education institutions in the development of contemporary, forward-looking industrialised construction degrees. It will also have […]
Future of Work & Industrial Relations, Culture and Diversity · Holmesglen Institute, A.G. Coombs, Lendlease Digital, Victorian Building Authority, Nexans, Master Builders Association Victoria, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, Fleetwood Australia, Monash University, The University of Melbourne
#68 Development of a solution for high-rise mass timber residences through a Post & Plate system – Phase 1 feasibility study
This research centres on an innovative project to bring the Post & Plate timber structural system to Australia’s multi-residential sector. The project comprises 4 elements: The research is designed for rapid deployment and aims to revolutionise high-density, sustainable living in Australia. It is being continued in Project #104: Development of solution for high rise mass […]
Building Materials & Systems, Construction Management, Prefabrication & Advanced Manufacturing, Sustainable Materials & Products · Sumitomo Forestry Australia, Hyne & Son, The University of Melbourne
#70 Building Circularity 4.0: First Steps to Adoption
The Circular Economy Ministerial Advisory Group (CE-MAG) industry feedback workshop held on 25 May 2023 highlighted the gap in awareness and understanding about what circular economy really means, and how the industry can get involved. A key question from the session became: ‘What practical things can the different actors in the industry do as a […]
Circular Economy, Waste Reduction, Sustainable Materials & Products, Environmentally Sustainable Design, Business Model Innovation
#71 Automated decision making for interdisciplinary coordination during early-stage building design
This project aims to develop algorithms and techniques to facilitate and streamline the spatial negotiation that originates from coordinating building systems throughout the different stages of the building design process. The hope is that building design teams can use these techniques to make informed decisions when developing a building design, which in turn should improve […]
Computational Design, Structural Optimisation, Building Design and DFMA · Lendlease Digital, A.G. Coombs, Monash University
#76 Thermally active floor panels for cost effective space cooling
This project addresses the challenge of reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions from space cooling in buildings by using Phase Change Material (PCM) technology. The project team will design and install a PCM radiant cooling system in a purpose-built full-scale testing facility, and then monitor performance. The expected outcome is a validated, market-ready PCM […]
Building Materials & Systems, Sustainable Materials & Products, Energy, Building Operation and Performance, Fire Safety, Indoor Environmental Quality · Taphcore®, The University of Melbourne
#80 Why are insolvencies so high in the Construction industry and what can be done about it?
This project explores the causes of high insolvency rates in the residential construction sector, addressing concerns about financial risk management as well as policy and regulation impacts. It focuses on reducing the broader economic and other impacts of residential building company failures, by triangulating insolvency data, industry systems and educational environment to identify key focal […]
Business Model Innovation, Contracts and Procurement, Policy and Regulation, Risk Management, Finance and Economics · Victorian Building Authority, Master Builders Association Victoria, Holmesglen Institute, Queensland University of Technology
#84 Feasibility study of recycling excavated clay materials in full-scale concrete applications
Objectives The study aims to explore the potential reuse of excavated clay-based materials for concrete applications as both cement and aggregate replacements. This project addresses two concurrent challenges: the disposal of excavated soil, often unused and sent to landfills, and the high carbon footprint associated with concrete applications. OverviewIn Australia, traditional low-carbon cement substitutes, such […]
Building Materials & Systems, Sustainable Materials & Products, Prefabrication & Advanced Manufacturing, Waste Reduction · M80 Ring Road Completion, Spark – North East Link, The University of Melbourne
#85 From Digital Design to Human Robot Collaborative Masonry Construction
Imagine humans working alongside collaborative robots (cobots), laying bricks to build urgently needed homes for the growing Australian population. This human robot collaboration project willdevelop a digital design to physical construction workflow for masonry construction using cobots tobe employed alongside labourers. Using masonry bricks, the project elevates the efficiency ofbuilding brick walls which are essential […]
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, IoT, Sensors and Construction Tech, Building Materials & Systems · Brickworks, Queensland University of Technology
#86 Sustainable 3D printed concrete for bespoke infrastructure
Robotic 3D printing has the potential to revolutionise the concrete industry and contribute to more sustainable concrete construction through material optimisation, carbon emission and waste reduction, design freedom and greater precision. This study aims to develop a prototype of bespoke infrastructure elements using Robotic 3D printing technology. Optimised mix design for low carbon 3D printed […]
Building Materials & Systems, Sustainable Materials & Products, Environmentally Sustainable Design, Digital and Automated Fabrication (Robotics), Waste Reduction · Everhard Industries, Queensland University of Technology
#90 Evaluating the effectiveness of roofing work inspection using remotely piloted aircraft systems
This project aims to evaluate the effectiveness of remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) and 3D mapping techniques to inspect roofing work to support or enhance conventional in-person inspections. The project will also explore methods to automate and scale up technology-assisted roofing work inspection for broader implementation at a state or national level. It builds on […]
Platforms and Process, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, User Interface, Visualisation and Analytics, Digital Twins & 3D Modelling · Victorian Building Authority, Holmesglen Institute, Master Builders Association Victoria, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, The University of Melbourne, Monash University
#93 US Research Tour 2024: San Francisco and Greater Bay area
Building 4.0 CRC led a delegation to San Francisco and the Greater Bay area to provide delegates with firsthand experience of cutting edge technology and innovative building techniques. Delegates had the opportunity to engage with industry experts and researchers, exchange ideas and insights with peers and collaborate on research projects, leveraging the knowledge and expertise […]
Business Model Innovation, Customers and Markets, Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Environmentally Sustainable Design, Sustainable Materials & Products, Digital Project Management, Platforms and Process, Housing and Urban Design (Affordability), Prefabrication & Advanced Manufacturing, Product & Process Efficiency
#97 Self Storage Association of Australasia Digital Platform Development
This project provides an online interface into the current state of the self storage industry by mapping and benchmarking self storage facilities. It will also support demand forecasting and planning for new facilities. It uses demographic, financial, regulatory and geospatial data to assist in optimising the current and future self storage industry. The platform will […]
Finance and Economics, User Interface, Visualisation and Analytics, Planning, Uses and Zoning · Self Storage Association of Australasia, Queensland University of Technology
#100 IEQ Monitoring of Aboriginal Housing Office 3D Printed Houses
The shortage of affordable and quality housing in Australia, particularly in regional, rural and remote communities, is exacerbated by slow and costly traditional construction methods. In response, the NSW Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) is piloting 3D printing technology to construct 2 townhouse units in Dubbo, NSW. This project aims to test the effectiveness of 3D-printed […]
Environmentally Sustainable Design, Indoor Environmental Quality, Building Operation and Performance, Digital and Automated Fabrication (Robotics) · NSW Aboriginal Housing Office, Blue IoT, Queensland University of Technology
#103 Prefabricated, modular and offsite construction – Handbook
Building Ministers from the Commonwealth, state and territory governments are keen to support the increased use of high quality offsite manufacturing to help speed up the delivery of new housing. They have asked the ABCB to prepare a new Handbook explaining how the current regulatory arrangements outlined in the National Construction Code (NCC) relate to […]
#104 Development of a solution for high-rise mass timber residences through a Post & Plate system – Phase 2 Numerical and experimental investigation
This project builds on Project #68, which explored the feasibility of introducing the Post & Plate timber structural system to Australia’s multi-residential sector. This Phase 2 project comprises 7 elements: Project team: Dr Philip Christopher, Dr Alireza Chiniforush, Dr Bernard Gibson, Karl-Heinz Weiss, Prof. Tuan Ngo
Building Materials & Systems, Sustainable Materials & Products, Prefabrication & Advanced Manufacturing, Construction Management · Sumitomo Forestry Australia, Hyne & Son, Cedar Pacific, The University of Melbourne
#105 Blockchain-powered peer-to-peer energy trading: Advancing sustainability and affordability in smart residential communities
This project explores how blockchain technology can enable direct energy trading betweenhouseholds and buildings, aligning with the Industry 4.0 vision of creating smart, interconnected,and sustainable living environments. By leveraging blockchain’s decentralised and transparentfeatures, the project aims to enhance housing affordability and optimise energy usage. Thisinnovative approach will help reduce energy costs, ensure transparent transactions, and […]
Cybersecurity, Building Materials & Systems, Energy, Building Operation and Performance · Web3in Tech-Lab, Monash University
Homes NSW MMC Program
HOMES NSW MMC PROGRAM The Homes NSW Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) Program is a partnership between Homes NSW and Building 4.0 Cooperative Research Centre (CRC) focused on developing strategies and methods to utilise MMC to deliver quality social housing faster. The Program commenced in May 2024 with Homes NSW and Building 4.0 CRC each […]
Light House Project #1: Monash Smart Manufacturing Hub (mSMH) – A Digital Twin Living Lab
Digital twins are an emerging technology with the potential to revolutionise the building industry by digitising the operation and maintenance of physical assets. However, several challenges need to be overcome before their widespread adoption in the built environment. The Monash Smart Manufacturing Hub (mSMH) aims to tackle these challenges through the creation and utilisation of […]
Digital Twins & 3D Modelling, IoT, Sensors and Construction Tech, User Interface, Visualisation and Analytics, Indoor Environmental Quality · Amazon Web Services, Monash University
Light House Project #3: NCHA Independent Living Lab
The NCHA Independent Living Lab is a piece of research infrastructure within the NCHA’s Simulated Environments stream of work. The aim of this Living Lab is to support research and related activities to deliver the NCHA vision and aims, by providing a simulated home environment for multidisciplinary research, testing and demonstration of integrated spatial, assistive […]
Building Design and DFMA, Prefabrication & Advanced Manufacturing, Customers and Markets · Fleetwood Australia, Monash University
Light House Project #6: Malvern East Apartment Development
Although significant claims exist with regards to the benefits of utilising offsite construction, often, these are anecdotal, context-specific, and challenging to quantify in comparison to business-as-usual. Previous CRC project findings suggest that the benefits of offsite construction are often not realised because the design consultants, developers, and builders do not effectively collaborate to deliver integrated […]
Property Development, Customers and Markets, Indoor Environmental Quality, Life Cycle Assessment, Sustainable Materials & Products, Platforms and Process, Building Design and DFMA, Prefabrication & Advanced Manufacturing, Product & Process Efficiency · Monash University, Sumitomo Forestry Australia, The University of Melbourne
Light House Project #13: Mixed Reality Carpentry Demonstration
This project harnesses Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) to enhance prefabricated component assembly in carpentry and construction. By integrating AR/VR tools like Twinbuild by Fologram, the project aims to improve training and upskilling process, assembly instructions, spatial awareness, quality control, and collaboration. A real-time assembly of a complex timber pavilion at the Building […]
User Interface, Visualisation and Analytics, Construction Management, Building Design and DFMA, Construction Safety and Wellbeing, Digital and Automated Fabrication (Robotics), Digital Twins & 3D Modelling, Prefabrication & Advanced Manufacturing · Holmesglen Institute, Ynomia, Monash University
Light House Project #28: The application of computer vision to measure productivity and enhance safety on construction sites
The current method of recording productivity on construction sites relies heavily on manual inputs limiting both accuracy and efficiency. This project will explore more automated and technologically advanced solutions that can provide real-time, accurate and unbiased data on on-site performance. Such innovations can not only streamline the data collection process but also free up labour […]
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, IoT, Sensors and Construction Tech, Digital Project Management · Level Crossing Removal Project, Sightdata, The University of Melbourne