#12 VR/AR technologies in vocational education and training (scoping study)
Australia’s Vocational Education Training sector has a critical role in preparing or updating current or future employees with job-related skills required in the workforce. The construction industry is highly regulated by VET programs that provide licensing requirements to many construction occupations. The number of VET-related occupations is expected to increase in the coming years, driven by a growing demand for skilled workers due to construction projects.
These requirements imply significant pressures to update the training delivery approaches in the construction VET system. Findings for this project were obtained from a literature review, market survey and a Delphi method as a research approach, which were selected to propose a decision making process to determine appropriate XR technology for specific skill training in the construction industry.
This study proposes the most significant factors that VET educational providers should consider when selecting XR technologies to be implemented in VET training programs. Likewise, this study presents a workflow process for translating conventional vocational skill training into XR-based (VR/AR/MR) learning environments.
Researchers on the project included: Dr Ali Rashidi (Project Lead), Dr Duncan Maxwell, Associate Prof Mehrdad Arashpour Dr Yihai Fang, Dr Barrett Ens, Prof Robin Drogemuller, Dr Leo Rezayan & Dr Fiona Lamari.