#29 Real-time EH&S Intervention to Improve Site Safety (Scoping Study)

Human error is the largest contributor to onsite accidents in the construction industry, but can be reduced through improvements to workplace design and procedures. 

Through an examination of current practices, this project aims to identify existing relationships between variables such as worker behaviour and sentiment, site activities, and workplace incidents, from which we can uncover actionable insights to mitigate safety risks. 

An inspection of practices from industries with a proven safety record and a survey of novel technologies will reveal potential opportunities for detection and intervention of risks, including the application of digital twins for evaluating proposed changes to design and procedures.

Researchers on this project include: Dr Pari Delir Haghighi, Prof. Tim Dwyer, Dr Hamid Rezatofighi, Dr Teresa Wang, Dr Benjamin Tag, Prof. Tuan Ngo, Dr Tuan Nguyen, Prof. Rajkumar Buyya.