#61 Building Productivity – Product, Process, People

The common adage “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it” can be applied to building
products, processes and projects. Current data capture in construction practice is typically scarce,
inaccurate, lagging and non-standardised. Through the lenses of product, process and people,
Project #61 investigates how the capture, analysis and use of data can contribute to waste
reduction, quality assurance, safety, and improvement of efficiency and effectiveness in the building
industry. The project aims to understand:

(1) What is impact of people (human factors/aspects) on the process and product efficiency?

(2) What kind of data is needed?

(3) When is it to be collected and by whom?

(4) Which methodologies, tools and technologies would be best suited?

Project leads: Dr Duncan Maxwell, Dr Rachel Couper

Project team: Dr Victor Bunster, Dr Lee-Anne Khor, Dr Laura Harper, Dr Camilo Cruz Gambardella, Dr Sahar Soltani, Dr Yihai Fang, Prof. Amrik Sohal, Mohaimeen Islam, Fernando Pavez Souper, Miyami Pathiranage