#45 Prefab, Integrated Wall System: Phase 2 – Demonstration House and Market Study

There currently exists significant logistical and material shortage challenges in the residential home construction market. This coupled with a highly competitive environment has translated into most builders focusing on price of delivery, assuming this is the most important aspect to consumers. Builders are also subject to increasing risk with greater supply chain, labour and material shortages hindering the on time and on budget delivery of homes.

This project tackles this problem through a two-prong approach (1) leveraging of existing work building a demonstration home that utilises a prefabricated wall system that delivers greater energy performance and lower supply chain risk with an integrated system and (2) to better understand the values of home buyers and the role that cost, energy performance and quality play in their decision making.

This project will see the materialisation of the high-performance wall system in the construction of demonstration home in Melbourne, showcasing constructability, performance and the aesthetics of the system.

Researchers include: Dr Philip Christopher, Prof Tuan Ngo, A/Prof Felix Hui, Dr Tu Le, Dr
Khuong Bui & Dr Lu Aye.