#95 The Homes NSW MMC Program

The aim of the project is to develop strategies and methods to utilise modern methods of construction (MMC) in Homes NSW projects which is termed “The Homes NSW MMC Program”. The intent of the program is to deliver more social housing with increased benefits for Homes NSW and their tenants. In addition to this project focused on scoping, strategy and development, Homes NSW, in collaboration with Building 4.0 CRC, will demonstrate the application of the MMC Program on a series of live Proof-of-Concept projects to further facilitate and support industry adoption of innovative methods of housing delivery.

Focus areas will address:

  • Quality of housing solutions
  • Speed and efficiency of housing delivery
  • Cost and value for money
  • Tenant satisfaction and experience
  • Sustainability and resilience
  • Operations and maintenance.

The project will comprise the following interdependent research streams:

Stream 1: Land, Housing Types, Residents – This stream will identify priority sites and design criteria for a 4–6 storey apartment model to be developed and tested in Stream 2. It will also develop a framework for identifying replicable development opportunities for low- and medium-rise dwelling typologies that can support the longevity of the MMC Program. Recommendations for the MMC Program will be based on a survey of the existing Homes NSW portfolio of assets, an examination of future housing needs, opportunities for land use, dwelling design guidelines and relevant planning frameworks. This research will help to determine the location of the pilot projects to be delivered within the program.

Stream 2: Product, Supply Chain, Platform – This stream will focus on an MMC approach to delivering quality buildings efficiently. It will propose a kit-of-parts system that building designers can configure into a range of different project outcomes. Initially, the kit of parts will support one typology with the intent to expand to further typologies later. The primary goal is to achieve economic efficiencies while attaining the design standards and product requirements set by Homes NSW. This stream will also establish whether there is a viable supply chain to support future deployment of such a system and that this system can be eventually developed into a platform of processes, rules, tools, parts and supply options.

Stream 3: Change Management and Housing Delivery – This stream will deal with the anticipated difficulties that arise when implementing new solutions for housing delivery. The team will engage with all stakeholders to ensure they understand and share the purpose and strategies of the MMC Program. The MMC Program will require the building value chain to interact and transact differently, creating new roles and responsibilities for actors involved in housing delivery. This includes changes to risk management, procurement, contracts and commercial arrangements. The process and organisation of building delivery will also change, requiring new internal and/or external teams to manage housing delivery. Finally, educational initiatives will ensure the industry can understand how to grow and adapt, and skills and training initiatives will upskill the workforce who will deliver new housing.

Project manager: Belinda Ngo
Stream 1: Dr Lee-Anne Khor with Prof. Shane Murray
Stream 2: Adjunct Prof. Daryl Patterson, with Dr Duncan Maxwell, Daiman Otto, Prof. Tuan Ngo, Sonal Jawale
Stream 3: Kathy MacDermott, with Prof. Chris Knapp, Rob Van Wanrooy