Homes NSW

Homes NSW brings together the housing and homelessness services of the NSW Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) with NSW Land and Housing Corporation (LAHC), the NSW Aboriginal Housing Office (AHO) and key worker housing all under one roof – making the system more efficient and accessible.

Homes NSW leads work to deliver more social and affordable housing, end the the cycle of homelessness and deliver quality public housing to our 262,000 tenants across NSW. 

Homes NSW MMC program

As part of its $224 million Essential Housing Package announced in the NSW Budget for the 2023-2024 financial year, the NSW Government is investing $10 million in a Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) program. The program aims to demonstrate how MMC can be used to deliver quality and permanent new social homes faster.

The program has 4 focus areas:

  • Building the right kind of homes
  • Homes for teachers sooner
  • Forward-thinking research and development, including the partnership with Building 4.0 CRC
  • Transforming the way Homes NSW is delivering homes: Industry Taskforce.

Exploring MMC housing products is a great way to help get people into homes faster amid this housing crisis. This is especially so in regional areas where traditional construction can be expensive, and where trades and supplies can be scarce.

All of Homes NSW’s MMC demonstration projects will be permanent homes, fully self-contained and meet market standards for design and finish. It will also support the creation of more jobs and grow the economy and scale the local MMC industry, which can have flow-on positive impacts for regional communities.

Read more about the program here:

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