#42 Workflow Automation Tools for Home Designs Phase 1 Scoping Study
Volume builders are facing several challenges associated with the manual design of domestic homes where computational design automation can yield advantages, including many variations between house designs, regular design changes according to client requirements, time, resources and turnaround for each tender (cost estimation, drawings, material estimation and so on).
An integrated and automated process would bring all stakeholders together at the conceptual design phase to achieve a more integrated solution.
The project is focusing on reviewing currently available software and design workflows to propose a cutting-edge workflow for the automation of the residential home design process.
Researchers include: Dr Tu Le, Ben Huynh, Dr Khuong Bui (Harry), Dr Tuan Nguyen, Prof
Tuan Ngo, Dr Sara Rashidian, Fereshteh Banakar & Prof Robin Drogemuller.