Light House Project #3: NCHA Independent Living Lab
The NCHA Independent Living Lab is a piece of research infrastructure within the NCHA’s Simulated Environments stream of work. The aim of this Living Lab is to support research and related activities to deliver the NCHA vision and aims, by providing a simulated home environment for multidisciplinary research, testing and demonstration of integrated spatial, assistive technology, and care models for healthy living and ageing. To ensure the NCHA vision and aims are delivered from the outset, the B4.0CRC Lighthouse Project (LHP#03) has been developed over the last 9 months – to focus on the design and construction of the Independent Living Lab. It will take advantage of a rare opportunity to test research objectives of the NCHA through the procurement of the Living Lab itself. This aligns with key research questions about how modular and prefabricated production can create new innovations in living environments for ageing.
Partners & Stakeholders: Fleetwood Australia, Monash University: Urban Lab, Future Building Initiative, Design Health Collab School of Primary Allied Health Care (RAIL Lab), Monash University Buildings and Property Division, Peninsula Health Allied Health Team.
Research Teams include:
Stream One: Associate Professor Leah Heiss, MADA Design Health Collab (Dr Troy McGee and Dr Myra Thiessen)/School of Primary and Allied Health Care RAIL Research Centre and Occupational Therapy Departments (Associate Professor Libby Callaway and Dr Linda Barclay)/Peninsula Health Allied Health Team (Ms Pip Veerman)
Stream Two: Professor Mel Dodd, MADA Urban Lab/Maryam Gusheh, School of Primary and Allied Health Care RAIL Research Centre and Occupational Therapy Department (Associate Professor Libby Callaway and Dr Eli Chu)/Peninsula Health Allied Health Team (Ms Pip Veerman)
Stream Three: Dr Rachel Couper, MADA FBI Team with Dr Duncan Maxwell.