#2 Automated tracking of construction materials for improved supply chain logistics and provenance – Phase 1 Scoping Study
The construction supply chain poses challenges and risks mainly due to its unstable, highly fragmented, and geographically dispersed nature. The ability to track and trace (i.e., traceability), is becoming increasingly important as it contributes to and associates with building compliances, safety, project efficiency, and sustainability.
Our researchers have used multiple research methods (e.g., interviews, literature review and case studies) to assess existing and emerging tracking technologies (e.g., sensors, information systems) for sectoral and issue appropriateness. This was to understand the state-of-the-art of traceability in the construction industry and key stakeholders‚ perspectives, as well as recommend future research.
Researchers on project include: Dr Wen Li, Dr Guilherme Luz Tortorella, Prof Robin Drogemuller, Dr Aravinda Sridhara Rao, A/Prof Joseph Liu, Dr Yihai Fang, A/Prof Tim Rose, Dr Sara Omrani, Prof Alistair Barros, Prof Tuan Ngo, Mr Declan Cox, Ms Negar Adebi, Mr Noor E Karishma Shaik, Mr Siyu Chen, Mr Xin Ma & Mr Tendai Makasi.

Project #2: Automated tracking of construction and materials for improved supply chain logistics and provenance – Scoping study – Final report for public

Project #2: Automated tracking of construction and materials for improved supply chain logistics and provenance: scoping study – Final report executive summary