Project Lead Dr Sahar Soltani
Dr Sahar Soltani is a Research Fellow at the Future Building Initiative lab at Monash University. Her background is in Architectural Engineering, and she is a registered Architectural Engineer in Iran. She has years of experience as a university lecturer in Iran and has worked in the architecture and construction industry as well. She is also affiliated with the Australian Research Centre for Interactive and Virtual Environments (IVE).
Sahar holds a PhD degree in Architecture within the Architectural Science and Technology field with a focus on Computational Design Sustainability. Her recent research has been concerned with the grand challenges faced in the Australian construction industry, spreading across a range of issues and topics in this area, including industrialisation, digital collaboration, digital construction, and sustainable built environments. She has been involved in multiple ARC and CRC multidisciplinary research projects with a great focus on real-world impact through working closely with industry, end-users, government, and practitioners.
In addition to being Project Lead on projects listed at the bottom of this page, Sahar is also on the Project Team for:
LHP#1 – Monash Smart Manufacturing Hub Digital Twin
Project #61 – Building Productivity—Product, Process, People
Project#38 – Victorian Government Digital Build – Translating theory into practice
Project #17 – The implication of Industry 4.0 for the construction industry: towards smart prefab