QUT Facility Management Group
The QUT FM group has been involved in a series of facility management-related projects and activities for over 20 years. This has included working with the Sydney Opera House Trust and Qld Project Services on FM for buildings, buildingSMART International on the COBie standard, many of the Australian state road authorities, local government, and electricity distributors on linear assets. The group has won a number of ARC Linkage grants supporting FM research and participate in Australian and ISO standards groups.
Facilities: The group has a Faro Focus 3D X330 laser scanner to gather point cloud data, and UAVs, 3D cameras and high quality DSLRs to gather photogrammetric data. They have also developed proof-of-concept dashboards to support BIM-based facility management.
Contact: Dr Sara Omrani, +61 7 3138 3337, s.omrani@qut.edu.au; Prof. Robin Drogemuller, +61 7 3138 6965, robin.drogemuller@qut.edu.au, https://staff.qut.edu.au/staff/s.omrani