QUT Design & Development for Healthy Living and Learning
Many community developments, such as schools, senior living and sporting facilities, can be used more effectively. What are the physical and mental health benefits of sharing facilities that support multiple demographics and provide opportunities for vocational and intergenerational programs? The Cat.1 nationally funded Grandschools project is a multidisciplinary team led by QUT, ACU and Deakin University, studying how co-locating senior living with secondary schools can support healthy engagement in co-care, co-health, co-fitness, and co-learning. Additional industry collaborations are being negotiated.
Facilities: The 10 lead researchers at QUT, ACU and Deakin University have access to facilities and equipment servicing building design, planning and development, allied health and behavioural health sciences. Seven core industry partners provide sites where building case study projects will be tested. Specialised Equipment include: QUT J Block Design Fabrication Lab: BIM Modelling & Digital fabrication equipment: 3D printers, CNC machines, laser cutters, wood and metal fabrication equipment; QUT PASLab: Wearable Biometrics & Neural Imaging; ACU: Biometric Tracking Devices.
Contact: Marissa Lindquist, +61 423 809 468, m.lindquist@qut.edu.au, https://research.qut.edu.au/designlab/designing-creative-and-resilient-communities-focus-areas/