Sajjad Eini-Zinab

Sajjad has a strong foundation in Civil Engineering, with specialised studies in Surveying Engineering and Remote Sensing, both at undergraduate and graduate levels. Throughout his academic journey, he has developed expertise in various domains including Surveying Operations, Cartography, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Before starting his PhD journey, he honed his skills by teaching specialised courses at the master’s level and gaining practical experience as a photogrammetry and remote sensing specialist in the corporate sector. This diverse background has exposed him to a wide array of challenges, from programming and data analysis techniques to algorithm analysis and image processing.

His research career provided him with invaluable opportunities to work with cutting-edge software in programming, remote sensing, photogrammetry and geomatics. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD at the University of Melbourne, focusing on advancing the field of remote inspection of building works using Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR). His research interests lie in enhancing AR/MR global localisation accuracy, ensuring reliable alignment of Building Information Models (BIM) with AR/MR visualisation, and automating building works inspection through innovative AR/MR systems. He aims to develop a methodology that allows inspectors and field engineers to monitor construction progress quickly with high accuracy and less effort.

PhD Start and End Dates
November 2021 to January 2025