Dr Rajendra Prasad Bohara

Rajendra was a PhD candidate at The University of Melbourne, working on Development and Implementation of Auxetic Composites to Protect Infrastructures from Blast Load.

Solid monolithic structures provide reasonable protection against blast loading, but they are heavy, inefficient and costly. Rajendra’s research aimed to develop lightweight high-performance auxetic cellular structures for protective engineering applications. Innovative topologies that maximise energy absorption were employed in the core of protective sandwich panels.

Before starting his PhD, Rajendra worked with Thammasat University, Thailand, where he mainly contributed to developing precast wide U beam-column system, design of Earth-covered Magazine, and design of hybrid beam for marine environment.

His research interests included auxetic metamaterials, cellular structures, topology optimisation, computational modelling, protective structures, 3D printing, earthquake resistant structure, etc.

PhD Start and End Dates
Rajendra completed his PhD in 2023. He is an engineer at Karagozian & Case.