Culture and Diversity Dr Gillian Matthewson
Gill has a longstanding interest in women in architecture, which has encompassed scholarly work, activism and advocacy from the 1980s onwards. She has a background as a practicing architect and educator in New Zealand and the UK and continues to design. She is a founding member of the XYX Lab Gender+Place at Monash University and a founding director of Parlour: women, equity, architecture.
For many years, Gill has been investigating the gendered substructure of the architecture profession, particularly as it manifests in the weakening participation of women. This has led to her research focus for the XYX Lab which is the impact of the gendering of space on how sex, gender and sexuality may limit who and what contributes to the production of, and participation in, the spatial culture of cities. Her particular skills are quantitative and qualitative data analysis and visualisation to highlight these impacts.