ePlanning and eApprovals Dr Davood Shojaei
Davood is a lecturer in the Department of Infrastructure Engineering at the University of Melbourne. He completed his PhD in 3D cadastre in the Centre for SDIs and Land Administration at the University of Melbourne in 2014. Previously, he was leading 3D digital cadastre research at Land Use Victoria, within the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning in Melbourne, to modernise the current cadastre in Victoria and move towards a 3D digital cadastre.
Davood has extensive experience working on various geospatial projects ranging from surveying and mapping, land administration, and GIS as well as designing and implementing a variety of research projects in spatial domain. He has extensive experience over the last 15 years in designing and implementing a variety of research and industry projects, ranging from GIS, cadastre and BIM, to 3D visualisation, and has published several articles in high-ranked scientific journals and conferences. He has also published several book chapters relevant to his research.