Dilshi Dharmarathna

Dilshi is a Civil and Construction engineering graduate from the Curtin University, Australia. She is passionate about an interdisciplinary approach to achieve decarbonisation targets within the construction industry. Her research interests include sustainable construction and built environment, circular economy, building life cycle assessments, building energy simulation and digitization of the construction industry (application of machine learning, AI and digital twins) to enhance building sustainability.

She was employed as a researcher in the National Research Council of Sri Lanka, where she was part of the research team and was listed as an inventor of Sri Lanka’s very first web-based and freely available Whole Building Life Cycle Assessment Tool, Building-SAT. She has published her research works in leading journals and conferences. She is also a gradate member of The Institute of Engineers Australia.

She commenced her PhD at Monash University, Australia. Her research proposes to develop a digital twin platform to carry out dynamic life cycle assessments (DLCA) to monitor sustainability key parameter indicators of chosen Australian buildings. The aim is to optimise life cycle building performance to achieve climate and sustainable development goals.  

PhD Start and End Dates
August 2022 to August 2025